Produkt-Logo der AIC Group - AISUITE

Our Marketing Automation Platform

In marketing automation, we offer our aisuite platform to relieve you of time-consuming processes and automate your dialogue marketing.

Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Campaign Management -Marketing Automation

Campaign Management

Goal: Planning and implementation of multi-level, cross-channel campaigns

Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Audience Building -Marketing Automation

Audience Building

Goal: Identification and selection of target customers relevant for marketing

Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Coupon Management -Marketing Automation

Offer Management

Goal: Generation and processing of channel independent response elements

Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Performance Reporting -Marketing Automation

Performance Reporting

Goal: Survey, visualization and evaluation of different KPIs


Screenshot von unserer AIC Group - Marketing Automation Plattform

The pulse,

which gives us the beat.

In marketing automation, we offer you a platform to easily create multi-level and cross-channel campaigns and to fully automate them.

The AIC Group’s Marketing Automation Platform comprises a range of products that integrate the three areas of data and campaign management, as well as customer analytics, in a single, professional solution. Our aisuite is continuously developed to reflect current standards and market trends. It is available on-premises or as a service solution. This makes it flexible and even more adaptive – perfect for companies with a smaller customer base.

With aisuite, you can analyze your data down to the smallest detail. It selects the relevant data from your inventory, analyzes it with regard to campaign objectives, helps you design your campaigns and selects the right channels for addressing customers. You can react to current customer behavior while the data is being created. That is digital marketing.

Marketing Automation – efficient control and automation of dialogue marketing.

Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Marketing Automation


Translations: Outbound-Kampagnen = Outbound campaigns,
Inbound-Kampagnen = Inbound campaigns, Trigger-Kampagnen = Trigger campaigns,
Cross-Channel-Kampagnen = Cross-channel campaigns, Kampagnenplanung = Campaign planning,
Segmentierung = Segmentation, Response-Elemente = Response elements, Response-Verarbeitung =
Response processing, Closed-Loop-Verfahren = Closed-loop procedure, Vorgefertigte Schnittstellen =
Prefabricated interfaces, Standardreporting = Standard reporting, Individuelles Reporting = Customized reporting

All from one source. ​

In the digital age, effective dialogue marketing means conducting complex marketing campaigns at short intervals and across all communication channels. The AIC Group’s marketing automation platform aisuite combines the necessary functionalities in a single, professional solution.

Perform integrated customer analyses to take into account historical and current customer behavior. Learn from the customer journeys of your customers and use this knowledge in planning and executing further campaigns. From a single, centralized location, you can design, coordinate, and execute all personalized interactions with your customers. This includes all outbound and inbound channels and includes not only classic channels such as mail and e-mail, but also online channels such as portals, websites and mobile apps.

In addition to the execution and analysis of marketing measures, you can also use aisuite to determine and control customer potential. In addition, you avoid addressing customers too often or twice and gain further efficiency through the fully automated processes – without any increase in personnel costs.



Ressourceneinsparung - Marketing Automation

Saving resources

through central & automated control

Vorteile -Symbol der AIC Group – Umsatzsteigerung - Marketing Automation

Sales increase

through optimized campaigns

Vorteile -Symbol der AIC Group – Flexibilität - Marketing Automation


through modular construction

Vorteile -Symbol der AIC Group – Transparenz - Marketing Automation


through extensive reporting

Your most important advantages.
Would you like to improve or rediscover the topic of marketing automation?
Then talk to us and discover our new TwoPager as a foretaste!


AIC Group GmbH

Johannes-Gutenberg-Straße 3
D-21337 Lüneburg

Tel. +49  4131  40052 – 0
Fax +49  4131  40052 – 10


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Produkt-Logo der AIC Group - AISUITE


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AIC Group – Das Management – Jörg Heydorn

Jörg Heydorn

Your contact for Marketing Automation

See for yourself how our products and services can optimize your business. Arrange a non-binding appointment with our experts for marketing automation, business intelligence and data science. We look forward to your inquiry!

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Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Campaign Management -Marketing Automation

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