Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Asset Management – Content Creation


Asset management - manage your images in one central location, for integrated use in your marketing efforts

Funktionssymbol der AIC Group - Content Manager - Content Creation - Zahnrad / Pfeil-Symbol im Kreis - orange/grau/weiß

Content Manager

Import & management of the required content (e.g. images)

Funktionssymbol der AIC Group - Content Delivery Network - Content Creation - Pfeil-Symbol im Kreis - orange/grau/weiß

Content Delivery Network

Fast provision of content through automated caching

Funktionssymbol der AIC Group - Content Manager - Content Creation - Zahnrad / Pfeil-Symbol im Kreis - orange/grau/weiß

Content Manager

The Content Manager organizes the central management of assets that can be used in templates. The assets can either be loaded via the existing import & upload function or simply added via drag & drop.

In addition to your own content, provided by an agency for example, freely available image material can also be taken over through the connection of image libraries. Corresponding integrations from pixabay, Unsplash and PEXELS are available for this purpose.

The central management and storage of assets makes it easy to reuse and reuse again. A corresponding search function is of course also available.

Funktionssymbol der AIC Group - Content Delivery Network - Content Creation - Pfeil-Symbol im Kreis - orange/grau/weiß

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

In addition to the central management of the numerous assets, high availability and fast access to the information also play a decisive role.

With increasing dispatch volumes and thus also increasing retrieval figures for marketing content, its rapid provision becomes a quality factor for customer communication. To ensure this, assets (e.g. images) of the Content Creation Suite are made available in a CDN, which ensures fast access even with high retrieval rates.

Your marketing department does not need to worry about technical issues such as access control. These are supplied as standard with the solution.

Free PDF of TwoPager for download.

(available only in German at this time)


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AIC Group – Das Management – Jörg Heydorn

Jörg Heydorn

Your contact for content creation

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Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Campaign Management -Marketing Automation

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