Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Coupon Management -Marketing Automation


Offer Management - generation and processing of channel-independent response elements of your campaign optimization

Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Generierung - Marketing Automation


Provision of channel-independent Response elements (e.g. coupons and vouchers)

Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Verarbeitung -Marketing Automation


Consistent measurement and Traceability of Responses

Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Generierung - Marketing Automation


Coupons or even vouchers enable you to enter into a dialogue with the customer and make their response behaviour measurable. Offers are enriched with a unique advertising code. This in turn can be assigned to a campaign. The redeemed or not redeemed code allows you to draw conclusions about the customer’s interests, interaction times and other aspects. These findings can be used to measure success and derive future measures.

In order to be able to evaluate the response behaviour, it is necessary to allocate the codes to a customer. This is made possible by the response element. The response element is provided by aisuite. Its structure can be administered in the software. For example, a GTIN for POS control consisting of campaign, customer ID and check digit can be defined for an EAN code. The representation as a bar or QR code is defined depending on the recording options at the touchpoint. With the EAN code, all offer responses can be evaluated for each component of a campaign, e.g. target group, measure, offer, channel, etc.

Translations: Bestandteile? = Components?, Touchpoints? = Touchpoints?, Repräsentation? = Representation?

Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Verarbeitung -Marketing Automation


Translations: 1. Generierung = 1. generation, 2. Versand = 2. dispatch, 3. Einlösung = 3. redemption, 4. Rückführung = 4. repatriation

With the AIC Group’s marketing automation platform aisuite, communication can be controlled via various online channels. In handling the generation of coupons or vouchers, no distinction is made between online and offline campaigns. This makes it possible to spread the same offers over different channels. You can control these via postal mailings, e-mail campaigns and newsletters. Provide connected apps and portals with coupon or voucher-based offers!

The offer processing is stringent. This ensures that a comparison of the different channels is possible during response measurement. From an analytical point of view, you can therefore act both across campaigns and across channels and always use the same reports when evaluating individual measures. The result is a consistent, cross-touchpoint and therefore holistic view of the (response) behavior of the customers.

Free PDF of TwoPager for download. 

(available only in German at this time)


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AIC Group – Das Management – Jörg Heydorn

Jörg Heydorn

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Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Campaign Management -Marketing Automation

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