Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Weitere-Features – Content Creation


More features - DSGVO compliant data discovery, conditional content, 1:1 offer cookie cutter, responsiveness and more.

Funktionssymbol der AIC Group - Versandzeitoptimierung - Content Creation - Uhren-Symbol im Kreis - orange/grau/weiß

Shipping time optimization

Continuous optimization of the shipping time per customer

Funktionssymbol der AIC Group - Tracking - Content Creation - Klammer-Symbol im Kreis - orange/grau/weiß


Tracking of all embedded links (e.g. images, offers, landing pages)

Funktionssymbol der AIC Group - Versandzeitoptimierung - Content Creation - Uhren-Symbol im Kreis - orange/grau/weiß

Shipping time optimization

Using our Content Creation Suite, not only the structure and content of e-mails can be controlled on a customer-specific basis, but also the time at which they are sent.

Many customers have a regular daily routine, but this is also very individual. While some customers read their e-mails in the morning before going to work, others are only responsive to such topics in the evening. Taking individual customer behavior into account can therefore contribute to significant improvements in the open and click rates of your email marketing.

With the help of the integrated send time optimization, it is possible to automatically determine the optimal time to address each customer. In this way, each customer can be contacted at the time that best suits their individual habits.

Funktionssymbol der AIC Group - Tracking - Content Creation - Klammer-Symbol im Kreis - orange/grau/weiß


In order to perform basic performance analysis and optimization for email marketing, professional tracking is required. With the help of our integrated tracking engine, you can automatically track all links and offers stored in the template. In this way, you always keep track of your customers’ interactions (e.g. opens, clicks) and thus the success of your e-mail marketing.

However, it is not only the customer’s interaction with the e-mail that is decisive for successful e-mail marketing, but also his or her additional behavior on linked websites (e.g. online stores). Our Content Creation Suite therefore offers the option of storing additional tracking parameters (e.g. UTM parameters for Google Analytics) in order to be able to assign behavior in other media accordingly.

Free PDF of TwoPager for download.

(available only in German at this time)


AIC Group GmbH

Johannes-Gutenberg-Straße 3
D-21337 Lüneburg

Tel. +49  4131  40052 – 0
Fax +49  4131  40052 – 10


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AIC Group – Das Management – Jörg Heydorn

Jörg Heydorn

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Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Campaign Management -Marketing Automation

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