Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Optimization Services – Customer Insights


Optimization Servcies - Increase conversion by identifying the best communication channel and time of dispatch

Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Kanal Optimierung

Channel optimization

Determination of the preferred Shipping channel per customer

Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Versandzeit Optimierung

Shipping time optimization

Determination of the preferred Shipping time per customer & channel

Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Kanal Optimierung

Channel optimization

Today, customers can be reached through numerous channels. However, preference of a particular channel is very individual. Some customers regularly read their e-mail, others let newsletters disappear among others and are never opened – but these customers might very well be active on WhatsApp.
Nevertheless, the most-used channel might not be the customer‘s top-selling channel. With our channel optimization, customers are always contacted by the channel they currently use the most and by which they also generate revenue. Of course, each campaign remains individually configurable for you, whether you’d like to use channel optimization or a channel defined by you.
Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Versandzeit Optimierung

Shipping time optimization

Many customers have daily routines, but these are very individual. While some customers read their emails in the morning before work, others might not be addressable before the evening. This might vary from channel to channel as well.
This is why our delivery time optimization identifies the optimal time to address each channel and customer. This way, even without channel optimization, every customer can be contacted at the exact time he has shown the most activity on this channel lately. Usage of delivery time optimization remains individually configurable for you as well.

Free PDF of TwoPager for download.


AIC Group GmbH

Johannes-Gutenberg-Straße 3
D-21337 Lüneburg

Tel. +49  4131  40052 – 0
Fax +49  4131  40052 – 10


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Überzeugen Sie sich, wie unsere Produkte und Leistungen Ihr Business optimieren können. Vereinbaren Sie dafür einen unverbindlichen Termin mit unseren Experten für die Marketing Automation, Business Intelligence und Data Science. Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Anfrage!

See for yourself how our products and services can optimize your business. Arrange a non-binding appointment with our experts for marketing automation, business intelligence and data science. We look forward to your inquiry!

Marc Nawroth

Your contact for Customer Insights

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Produkt-Symbol der AIC Group – Campaign Management -Marketing Automation

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